SA Venture Capital Start-Up AngelHub Ventures Aims To Create A Network Of Founders
SA Venture Capital Start-Up AngelHub Ventures Aims To Create A Network Of Founders. Starting out in 2011 as the first angel group in SA, AngelHub Ventures has matured into an early-stage Venture Capital firm in January 2014. Operating out of Stellenbosch in South Africa and backed by two family offices the company is passionate about early-stage investments in South Africa. The company believes in building great businesses as it aims to support businesses that are in it for the long haul.
Depending on the stage of the business and the needs of the team, AngelHub Ventures provides support in a wide range of areas, varying from strategic advice to operational assistance, incl. legal, accounting and financial assistance from its trusted suppliers. Most importantly its lines of communication are short and its networks are vast.
The company seeks to connect founders with each other and leverage their skills, network and expertise. In the larger group it has several established businesses such as Multisource that can give substantial support and expertise to new ventures. AngelHub Ventures has also partnered with Dzana Investments to form Hlayisani Capital. It’s new fund, the Hlayisani Growth Fund is a Growth Equity Venture Fund focussed on investing in high growth businesses.
The company was founded by Brett Commaille, he trained as a CA with Deloittes and PwC in SA and in the Middle East, worked as a Merchant Banker for Standard Corporate Merchant Bank, founded and ran a VC fund for Remgo Ltd. Commaille believes that plenty of his best lessons come from many trials and errors investing his own funds into all kinds of start-ups. He’s keen to help founders avoid the same pitfalls and succeed rapidly, so acts as an advisor to several promising young businesses which he hopes will be household names soon enough.