
How New Ventures Studio Aims To Help Young Entrepreneurs Grow Through Partnerships

How New Ventures Studio Aims To Help Young Entrepreneurs Grow Through Partnerships. New Ventures Studio is a profit-making arm of Salesian Life Choices – a social enterprise that invests in vulnerable youth to tackle inequality. The organization provides free services to youth on family stability, health, education and employment aiming at giving young people a fair chance in life.

Since 2005 Salesian Life Choices, a non-profit organization, has followed its passion of providing quality services to youth to tackle inequality. Driven by ambition and an unwavering self-belief, they have continuously overcome obstacles, primarily the raising of capital. In fact, in 2013 with the world in economic turmoil, they were nearly shutdown. Through the experience and a period of self-reflection, it became clear that a new business model had to be developed. For the next year, they sought out free advice from various experts and identified potential strategies to move forward. One of the consulted experts was Caban Investments Ltd, together they forged the initial concept for the New Ventures Studio.

New Ventures Studio is now a profit making partnership made up of young entrepreneurs, Salesian Life Choices and other service providers. Salesian Life Choices invests in accelerating young entrepreneurs on a personal and business level. In return, the entrepreneurs offer shares of their new ventures with these shares being reinvested into tackling inequality in South Africa. Salesian Life Choices aims to be financially sustainable in the next 10 years to continue furthering its social mission. The nature of this partnership creates an ecosystem whereby the entrepreneur’s success is the cornerstone for everyone’s profit.

New Ventures Studio believes that it is unrealistic to expect an entrepreneur to possess all the qualities required to have a successful business (e.g. strategic thinking, knowledge in industry, marketing & sales, finances, operations, fundraising and more). New Ventures Studio skilled team is hands-on; they work alongside the entrepreneur to build businesses. By providing expertise and resources, and assisting in the operation of the start-ups, the company increases the entrepreneur’s chances of success, optimizing the environment for business creation and growth.

By Thomas Chiothamisi
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