
How Proudly Human Aims To Demonstrate Human Resilience And Community Spirit Through Its Off-World Project

How Proudly Human Aims To Demonstrate Human Resilience And Community Spirit Through Its Off-World Project. Proudly Human’s Off-World Project will demonstrate human resilience, sustainability and community spirit in even the most extreme environments through grit, imagination, research and innovation. The project prepares for life on the Moon, Mars and beyond, as well as providing solutions for those living in harsh conditions here on Earth.

Over the next few years, Proudly Human will run a series of habitation experiments, building communities and off-grid infrastructure in the most extreme environments on the planet, from the desert, to Antarctica, to under the ocean. Each experiment will last several months, generate exploration-driven innovation and research, and be filmed for a documentary series. “From informal settlements, to overcrowded cities, to bases on the Moon, Mars and beyond, the basic requirements for community spirit remain the same: access to cheap, robust and efficient technologies to provide power, shelter, clean water, nutritious food and connectivity.” – Dr Adriana Marais, TEDx Luxembourg November 2019.

Proudly Human’s Off-World Project is a series of habitation experiments in the most extreme environments on Earth to prepare for life on the Moon, Mars and beyond. The projects will promote companies developing technology for sustainability, facilitate skills development, boost research, innovation and technology towards off-grid functionality, as well as provide a vision for young people of community spirit in even the harshest environments through grit, imagination, research and technology towards a #ProudlyHuman future. The challenge is to balance ambitious goals that inspire people to dream, like the first human communities on the Moon and Mars, while simultaneously uplifting people living in harsh conditions here on Earth, and encouraging a rapidly growing population of youth to get excited about exploring and learning.

Proudly Human takes up the challenge by applying knowledge of how people will live off-world to improve standards of living for people on Earth. Towards community spirit in the extreme conditions on the Moon, Mars and beyond, as well as living in harmony with each other and the environment on Earth, the company will demonstrate successful community living in some of the harshest environments on the planet.

By Thomas Chiothamisi
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