How Mimi Women Aims To Empower Women To Be Themselves Without Shame

How Mimi Women Aims To Empower Women To Be Themselves Without Shame. “Mimi Women” sanitary pads was established in 2013 with the objective of providing low cost, high quality disposable sanitary pads to the Lower Living Standards Measure (LSM) population of South Africa.

Mimi Women aims to distribute over 5 million Mimi pads to 1 Million girls. This will keep them comfortable, proud and in school until they matriculate. The company believes it can’t achieve this alone, without its clients’ investment. It empowers girls to be themselves without shame. The company is a social enterprise that designs and distributes quality sanitary pads, helping girls to stay in school and get more from their education. It also has a non-profit company that handles donations, and a sales model that allows women to become agents selling the Mimi sanitary packs directly to their communities.
Founder, social entrepreneur, former media personality, advocate for women empowerment, award winner, motivational speaker and CEO… These are some of the descriptions that make up Ramona Kasavan, the founder and CEO of Mimi Women. Unpologetically woman, Ramona Kasavan was born and raised in KZN on a farm where basic life necessities like water and electricity were a struggle, she grew to understand that sanitary etiquette is a real problem in disadvantaged areas, it is on these grounds that Kisa Africa was founded in 2014, Which promotes girl-child education through the sponsorship of her own brand of sanitary pads, open to invite for motivational talks
It is Mimi Women’s mission to enable every girl coming of age and young women in need to be afforded the basic provision of sanitary pads, thus keeping them in school or university, affording them to academically excel. The company has been behind South Africa’s Girl Bosses since 2014, giving them the gift of confidence and comfort. It strives to work hard every day to address the high levels of absenteeism in schools.