
Nasty C Explains Why It’s Important For Artists To Have Sound Investments

Nasty C Explains Why It’s Important For Artists To Have Sound Investments. In an industry where one’s longevity is never guaranteed, a lot of artists have find themselves in dire financial situations when they are not as successful as they were. South African rapper and businessman David Junior Ngcobo better known as Nasty C understands this and in an interview with NINE80 MEDIA, he explained why it’s important for artists to have sound investments.

He touched on how it makes him feel when he sees his fellow artists who are suffer and not be able to take care of themselves due to not having the right financial knowledge. He said, “It definitely makes me feel nervous to some extent, you know, its just the thing of like what if people get over my music or people just feel like we don’t want to book this guy, or what if one day I’m having too much fun and I say something on camera or I do something on camera that just completely upsets everyone and it’s like no one wants to pay me. That why you got to have these investments on the side type of thing, but that could happen to anyone, this thing we are doing for a living totally relies on whether people like us or not.”

Nasty C shows the importance of having sound investments as an artists as he knows he can not control if the audience likes him or not. He needs to make sure that if people do not like him anymore and his career starts to slow down and he is not getting as much money from the music, the investments he has made can take care of him. Throughout his career Nasty C has shown to be an artist that is interested in financial literacy and making sure that he builds a solid financial foundation that will make sure he can take care of himself and his family as he has managed to build his own record label and invest and venture into other businesses outside of music.

Nasty C also highlighted how one’s career can be affected by just one negative event, that can happen randomly. This shows that artists should make sure they are educating themselves about finances and making sound investments so that if something disturbs their main source of income at any given time they can be able to survive.

You can check out the exclusive interview on YouTube

By Thomas Chiothamisi
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