DJ Sbu’s Mofaya Announces New Partnership With Kit Kat Group SA

DJ Sbu’s Mofaya Announces New Partnership With Kit Kat Group SA. DJ Sbu has been partnering with different wholesalers in the country to make sure that his Mofaya beverage brand is easy accessible to the public. He knows that through partnering with wholesalers, it will make it easy for customers and stores to actually order the beverages in bulk so that they can also sell them.

The latest wholesaler that the beverage company has partnered with is Kit Kat Group SA. The DJ took to Instagram to make this announce, the post read, “@mofaya_official available at the brand new @KITKATGROUPSA Crown Mines JHB.” He is always encouraging young people to buy his Mofaya brand in bulk and for them to sell it in their townships so that they can also be entrepreneurs and learn all the valuable skills that are needed to run a business.
DJ Sbu is someone that has been advocating for entrepreneurship for a long time, he believes that young people should pursue entrepreneurship as it has high chance of providing high returns, provided that they work hard and are determined to do whatever it takes to make the business a success. With DJ Sbu, he isn’t about just talking and giving people motivations, he actually goes out into the streets of South Africa and shows young people how to sell by selling his Moyafa energy drink. This way he is showing people how to sell and that they should not be ashamed of selling as this is a very important skill that one needs when they open a business.
His company’s partnership with Kit Kat Group SA will actually help more aspiring entrepreneurs in the Johannesburg area to actually buy the Mofaya in bulk and teach themselves how to sell in the streets. The skills that they learn there are the same skills that can be used to run a multimillion Rand business.