Vukile Excels At The Intellidex Top Investor Relations Awards 2023

Vukile Excels At The Intellidex Top Investor Relations Awards 2023. Vukile Property Fund delivered a breakthrough performance at the Intellidex Top Investor Relations Awards 2023, with excellent rankings overall and in the mid-cap category, informed by high-quality insights from investment professionals. The second annual awards were announced on Friday 24 March at a function held in Johannesburg. The awards are based on both sell-side and buy-side analysts’ assessments of the quality of investor relations at South Africa’s listed companies.

Vukile took second place for investor relations by a mid-cap listed company and was included in the Top 10 (ninth) for all JSE-listed companies. It placed in the Top 3 overall for Best Integrated Annual Report and Most Accessible Senior Management and the Top 10 for best market communications. Vukile also ranked among the Top 5 Industrials for its investor relations.Laurence Rapp, CEO of Vukile Property Fund, comments, “These awards affirm Vukile’s deep commitment to transparent and comprehensive market disclosure that genuinely assist our stakeholders in assessing Vukile’s ability to create and sustain value. We are honoured to receive these esteemed rankings, especially as they are decided by analysts who are key stakeholders for Vukile.”
Rapp adds: “Vukile in line with our values to deliver value to stakeholders, be a good corporate citizen and act ethically, Vukile strives to provide transparent, accurate and prompt information on significant issues within our business. We also actively engage and interact with stakeholders to share information that they have identified as relevant to their decision-making.”With these awards for investor relations, annual reporting and senior management access, Vukile has received a powerful external endorsement that confirms the confidence that investors can have in the comprehensive quality of the information provided to analyse the company.
Vukile is an SA REIT (real estate investment trust) and a specialist retail property owner. It holds a defensive portfolio of property assets to the value of R35bn, of which 44% are in South Africa and 56% in Spain (held through its 89.6% held Madrid-listed subsidiary Castellana Properties Socimi), offering diversified income streams across different macro-economic drivers. Both businesses are underpinned by blue-chip retail tenants reporting good performance and upward-trending trading.
The Intellidex Top Investor Relations Awards are a barometer of the quality of the investor relations function at JSE-listed companies. They are compiled in conjunction with the CFA Society of South Africa and the IR Society of South Africa and provide a resource for IR teams to understand market feedback.