LaunchLab Seeks to Help Small Businesses Accelerate Their Growth

LaunchLab Seeks to Help Small Business Accelerate Their Growth. The Stellenbosch University LaunchLab is positioned as the most sought after mixed-use business incubator which drives the vision of facilitating valuable connections between strategic partners and entrepreneurs in the South African start-up ecosystem. The LaunchLab serves as a hub that accelerates a community of entrepreneurs to a new level. Started and managed by Innovus, the university-industry interaction and innovation company of Stellenbosch University, the LaunchLab provides an array of business support services and management to ensure the successful development of entrepreneurial companies.
Stellenbosch University LaunchLab is building the next generation of sustainable, high impact companies tackling the world’s toughest challenges in Agriculture, Climate & Health with a heavy dose of Engineering and Data science.
The company believes entrepreneurism is a learned science that not only helps build great companies but also allows us to navigate the complexities of life. Whether you’re a student with an idea, an entrepreneur with an early-stage business, a University looking to build its own incubator or an established organisation eager to infuse innovation into its culture then LaunchLab has an entrepreneurial tool that can serve your needs. Their suite of programs mirrors the entrepreneurial journey. The company inspires, builds, grows & supports businesses with a wide range of offerings and stand ready to support at all times.
The company has a proven track record of successfully building high-growth companies. Its investors gain from their investments, its entrepreneurs build income-generating businesses and its partners embed entrepreneurism within their organisation as it has more than 200 businesses incubated, more than R200 million of risk capital raised, more than R300 million combined annual turnover and has created over 500 jobs.
LaunchLab has helped different companies such as Picsa, Gift Drop, Vollar, Ask Jean and Vizibiliti. “This is a great opportunity to accelerate that business idea towards market readiness. We find start ups that engage with our clients can accelerate their growth faster than start-ups following the traditional route to market because the client does not only help provide finance for the start up but access to the market as well.” said Philip Marais, the CEO of LaunchLab, in an interview with Stellenbosch University News.