
Havas Media Ranks 5th As Media Agency In South Africa

Havas Media Ranks 5th As Media Agency In South Africa. Havas Media Ranks 5th As Media Agency In South Africa. Havas Media South Africa is delighted to announce outstanding results in the recent media agency classification and new business barometers conducted by Recma and COMvergence respectively.

HMSA has been ranked at number five as media agency in South Africa by Recma in the First Edition 2023 results, a shift up three places since previous year and showing a steady growth in the last three years. Equally important to note, the agency has been ranked number two in South Africa in the New Business Barometer FY 2022 by COMvergence.

The above feats have been made possible by the agency’s diverse portfolio of clients; their trust and confidence is invaluable to the team. The agency also welcomed important new clients at the close of 2022, leading to the impressive growth. The agency is immensely grateful to its clients for the meaningful partnerships formed over the years and for the new ones taking off.

“2022 has been a remarkable year for Havas Media in South Africa” says Vineel Agarwal, CEO Havas Village South Africa & Africa, “I am proud of our teams, who are doing great work and continue to challenge themselves to raise the bar each time. This success would not have been possible without their dedication and commitment to the agency.”

By Thomas Chiothamisi
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