
How Drip Footwear Founder, Lekau Sehoana Turned An old Torn Sneaker Into A Multi Million Rand Business

The story of Drip Footwear is a testament to the power of creativity, innovation, and resilience. Founder Lekau Sehoana’s journey from growing up without shoes to building a multi-million-rand shoe brand is nothing short of inspiring.

Sehoana’s entrepreneurial journey began in 2003 when he saw an old, torn sneaker and decided to redesign it using denim and polyurethane. This sneaker became a local hit and paved the way for Sehoana to enter the shoe-making business. For the next five years of his high school life, he exchanged pain for profit, creating and selling shoes to his peers and community.

In the years that followed, Sehoana continued to hone his craft and build his brand. Drip Footwear was born, and it quickly gained a following for its bold designs, versatility, and collaborative culture. The brand’s name and branding are rooted in urban street language, with “drip” meaning looking nice, having high fashion sense, Ukotini, style, or being highly fashionable.

Drip Footwear has since become a multi-million-rand shoe brand that is making waves in the South African fashion industry. The brand’s success can be attributed to Sehoana’s unwavering dedication to his craft and his commitment to building a brand that speaks to the modern urban consumer.

One of the key factors that set Drip Footwear apart from its competitors is its collaborative culture. Sehoana believes that collaboration is key to building a successful brand, and he has worked with numerous artists, musicians, and designers to create unique and innovative designs that resonate with the brand’s target market.

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