4Sight Scoops AVEVA Partner Of The Year Award!

4Sight Scoops AVEVA Partner Of The Year Award! 4Sight’s Operational Technologies Automation Division was named AVEVA Select Southern Africa Partner of the Year at the recent X-Change User Conference. This annual event is designed to showcase the innovation and capabilities of AVEVA’s channel in southern Africa to customers.
For this award, Deryn Browning, Head of Sales: International at IS³, AVEVA distributor for the sub-Saharan region, notes: “4Sight is the partner that has shown the most commitment towards pushing technology to its limits in the quest to service customers better and embody AVEVA’s latest thinking in the operations control space.”
Browning adds: “AVEVA has become the largest purveyor of industrial software in the world, trusted by 90% of industrial companies because it develops software that helps them become more efficient and sustainable. However, we cannot help customers achieve and realise the full value that AVEVA can offer without our partners.”
“4Sight won the award due to its investment in expanding the range of AVEVA solutions it can implement, among them value-chain optimisation, predictive analytics and AVEVA PI. 4Sight also has a uniquely broad portfolio of domain skills within the group that enables them to take these solutions to the next level.”
Danie Badenhorst, MD, Asset Automation Division at 4Sight, says the company feels extremely honoured to have received this award. “AVEVA’s software is a world leader, and we have invested significantly in our people to ensure they have the skills needed to deliver AVEVA solutions of maximum value to our customers. We look forward to continuing our journey with IS³ and AVEVA by developing new solutions that add more and more value to our customers, and that showcase what is possible when combining our industry expertise with their solid software foundation.”
Tertius Zitzke, Chief Executive Officer of 4Sight, concludes: “This is in line with several industry awards that 4Sight has received over the last few years and significantly strengthens the 4Sight partnerships with our major vendors, driving innovation on their platforms and delivering world-class solutions and service to our customers.”