Founder Of RECOMED Sheraan Amod Shares Why He Thinks African Entrepreneurs Are Changing The Healthcare Industry Through Digital Innovation

Founder Of RECOMED Sheraan Amod Shares Why He Thinks African Entrepreneurs Are Changing The Healthcare Industry Through Digital Innovation. In an interview with Business Day TV, Sheraan Amod, founder of RECOMED shared why he thinks African entrepreneurs are changing the Healthcare industry through digital innovation. Digital is something that can be use to solve a lot of problems that are being faced in the African health care system, therefor entrepreneurs should see this as an opportunity and provide solutions that are viable.

He said, “Last year, if we think back 15 months ago we had a lock down and that was a time of unprecedented innovation in Healthcare, in fact our Healthcare regulatory body issued guidance that finally allowed teli health to become a reality in South Africa. So the space is really exploding in terms of innovation and new platforms and I think what’s really exciting is that African entrepreneurs now have something to offer the global market because we are innovating, we are learning how to deliver these solutions at low cost and low bandwidth over smartphones which has never been done anywhere in the world.”
Amod highlighted the importance of digital innovation, he shared how this new technology has influenced and changed the South African Healthcare system. He believes that through digital innovation African entrepreneurs can change how people get access to Healthcare services. This will make it easier for the patient and will provide something for African entrepreneurs to export to other countries.
He mentioned that African entrepreneurs see the use of this digital technology and they are taking full advantage of it as they are delivering products and services to international markets with the aid of this technology. Through smartphones and computers and digital platforms, entrepreneurs are able to supply products or services to people that are very far, this is set to increase Africa’s participation in the global economy.