The National Consumer Commission Announces The Recall Of Mainstay And Terra Firma Multi-hinge Aluminium Ladders

The National Consumer Commission Announces The Recall Of Mainstay And Terra Firma Multi-hinge Aluminium Ladders. The National Consumer Commission urges all persons in possession of Mainstay and Terra Firma Multi hinge aluminium ladders, Model JC 403, 150 kg, to immediately stop using and return the products to the point of purchase for a refund. Mainstay ladders were distributed by Game stores while Terra Firma ladders were distributed by Makro stores.
Massmart informed the NCC that they ran a comprehensive set of tests at the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) revealing that these ladders did not comply with safety standards as required by SANS 50131 (SABS) relating to minimum material thickness and static load. Failure to meet these requirements renders the ladders unsafe and may lead to injuries or fatalities.
To date, 57 000 units were sold in South Africa. Mainstay ladders were also exported to Kenya, Mozambique, Zambia, Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Malawi, and Tanzania. The Acting Commissioner, Ms. Thezi Mabuza says it is the responsibility of the importers and retailers to ensure that goods comply with all applicable laws and standards.
“The Consumer Protection Act requires the recall of goods which pose any risk of harm to the consumers. We encourage consumers who have bought the ladders at Makro or Game, to immediately stop use and return these for a refund. The Commission is monitoring the recall based on its Recall Guidelines” she concluded.
Massmart, Africa’s second largest retail group, comprises four divisions operating in 423 stores, across 13 sub- Saharan countries. Through its widely–recognised, differentiated retail and wholesale formats, the company has leading shares in the General Merchandise, Liquor, Home Improvement and wholesale Food markets.