Retail Giant Shoprite Partners With SA Canegrowers To Prioritise Locally Produced Sugar

Retail Giant Shoprite Partners With SA Canegrowers To Prioritise Locally Produced Sugar. SA Canegroweers took to Twitter to announce that it has partnered with Shoprite so that they can prioritise locally produced sugar.

The post read, “INDUSTRY NEWS WORTH READING: @Shoprite_SA partners with SA Canegrowers and prioritises selling only locally produced #sugar! Read more about Home Sweet Home and our new partnership here” This partnership will see the Shoprite Group, which is Africa’s largest retailer, prioritising selling only locally-produced sugar in its 1 189 Shoprite, Checkers, Checkers Hyper and Usave supermarkets in South Africa, and promoting the Home Sweet Home campaign to its customers.
SA Canegrowers Chairman Andrew Russell said in a statement, “We welcome the Shoprite Group’s efforts to achieve this target, including partnering with us on our Home Sweet Home campaign. We hope to see more retailers and other industry stakeholders follow Shoprite’s example and commitment to helping us secure the future of the industry and its workers.”
SA Canegrowers launched its Home Sweet Home campaign on 9 December 2020 with the aim of educating consumers about the threats the local industry is facing when it comes to the influx of cheap sugar imports and to encourage them to buy locally-produced sugar in order to safeguard rural jobs. In January 2022, the Shoprite Group has rolled out in-store advertising in the sugar aisles of all their stores that encourages consumers to buy local sugar.
Given Shoprite’s extensive footprint, the partnership is a significant development for South African canegrowers and the one million people they support. Its involvement will enable the Home Sweet Home message of buying local sugar to reach more consumers and help protect South African jobs and livelihoods.