Netball South Africa Introduces The Netball South Africa Investment Group

Netball South Africa Introduces The Netball South Africa Investment Group. Netball South Africa introduces the Netball South Africa Investment Group (NSAIG), a dedicated entity with a mission to catalyse the growth and commercialization of netball.
“Our primary goal is to make netball in South Africa not only a sporting passion but also a financially attractive investment for brands, stakeholders, and individuals keen on contributing to the development of this beloved sport.” says Cecilia Molokwane, President of Netball South Africa.
Through strategic partnerships, innovative sponsorship deals, and efficient resource allocation, NSAIG aims to create an ecosystem where netball thrives economically. By fostering an environment of financial sustainability, the investment group intends to generate economic spin-offs for the sport that will not only benefit the players and the organisation but also contribute significantly to the broader South African community.
“At NSAIG, our mission is clear: to bring financial stability to netball, making it a lucrative venture for potential sponsors, partners, and investors. We believe that a robust financial foundation is key to unlocking the true potential of netball, enabling it to flourish on and off the court.” says Leapeetswe Molotsane, Chairperson of NSAIG.
Each member of the NSAIG Board brings a unique set of skills and experiences to the table, united by the common goal of transforming netball into a thriving industry. Their collective vision is to establish NSAIG as a beacon of innovation, sustainability, and success in the South African sports landscape.