Lekau Sehoana Reveals Which Business He Was In Before He Started Drip Footwear

Lekau Sehoana Reveals Which Business He Was In Before He Started Drip Footwear. South African entrepreneur Lekau Sehoana took to Twitter to reveal which business he was in before he started Drip Footwear. He posted images of himself when he was still selling eggs.

The post read, “I used to stock up eggs at the Nulaid Farm and distributing them at the Local Spaza Shops. Grew the business until I’d sell 50 Boxes at R380 a Box per day. The business collapsed due to high competition which became cheaper than my stock price. #MyHustleStory.”
The entrepreneur shared a part of his entrepreneurship journey that many entrepreneurs go through which is starting a business that reaches a certain level of success and then it fails to grow afterwards and eventually it fails altogether. Many entrepreneurs have had to face failure in their businesses and they had to take the lessons that they learnt from the failure to help them build more businesses.

Lekau shows that Drip Footwear isn’t his first entrepreneurial venture, he shows that he has always been passionate about building businesses and this shows in how he has managed to build the Drip Footwear brand. Sehoana took the lessons he learnt from his egg business and applied them to his current business and this is why the footwear brand has seen the success it has.
Sehoana is trying to show all the young entrepreneurs who may have a failed business, that it is okay to fail as long as one learns from their mistakes and takes the lessons learnt and applies them. This way entrepreneurs will not be discouraged to start a business and fail and to start all over again after failing. This brings a sense of resilience that is built over time, which will make entrepreneurs embrace the bad times as they will be expecting them and they will know how to maneuver differently.