10 South African Entrepreneurs Leading Social Change

10 South African Entrepreneurs Leading Social Change. These entrepreneurs are making significant contributions to social change in South Africa through their innovative solutions, advocacy, and dedication to improving the lives of others. They are addressing critical issues such as education, healthcare, environmental sustainability, and digital inclusion. Below are some of the South African entrepreneurs who are leading social change through their innovative and impactful ventures.
1. Ludwick Marishane

Ludwick Marishane invented DryBath, a waterless bathing product that promotes hygiene and conserves water, especially in areas with limited access to clean water. His invention addresses significant public health issues and environmental concerns.
2. Sizwe Nzima

Sizwe Nzima founded Iyeza Express, a bicycle courier service that delivers chronic medication to patients in under-resourced communities. His venture improves access to healthcare and ensures timely delivery of essential medicines.
3. Luvuyo Rani

Luvuyo Rani’s Silulo Ulutho Technologies provides IT training and internet access to underserved communities. His initiative bridges the digital divide, enhances digital literacy, and empowers individuals with essential tech skills.
4. Thato Kgatlhanye

Thato Kgatlhanye co-founded Rethaka, which produces solar-powered schoolbags made from recycled plastic. The bags provide light for studying at night and promote environmental sustainability by reducing plastic waste.
5. Baratang Miya

Baratang Miya founded GirlHype, an organization that trains young women and girls in coding and technology skills. Her work aims to increase gender diversity in the tech industry and empower women through education.
6. Frederick Bohasu

Frederick Bohasu is the founder of Bunang Baswa, a youth lead None profit based in South Africa that has helped over 3000 school pupils and youth across SA. Programs include motivational talk, Career expo, mentorship workshops and Mentorship annual tour. We work with over 15 schools around SA and have branches is Nigeria and Pakistan.
7. Rapelang Rabana

Rapelang Rabana founded Rekindle Learning, which offers digital learning solutions to improve education outcomes. Her innovative approach addresses gaps in traditional education systems and enhances learning through technology.
8. Tebogo Mokwena

Tebogo Mokwena co-founded Akiba Digital, a fintech startup that provides financial education and tools to help people manage their finances better. Her work promotes financial literacy and inclusion.
9. Dudley Jackson

Dudley Jackson is the co-founder of Pennine Energy Innovation. Pennine Energy Innovation’s focus is to provide affordable innovative products and solutions that address the global concerns around energy and the environment. The company has the exclusive usufruct rights to the patented, safe and odourless, low life-cycle cost, desiccating toilet called “SavvyLoo”, which is a sustainable alternative to polluting water through waterborne sanitation, pit latrines and chemical toilets.
10. Murendeni Mafumo

Murendeni Mafumo is the founder of Kusini Water, a social enterprise that builds water treatment systems from nanotechnology and locally sourced macadamia nut shells. The company’s systems bring clean, safe drinking water to people in rural, peri-urban and informal settlements throughout the African continent. Since Kusini Water was founded in 2016 and it has been dedicated to one goal: ensuring everyone has access to a source of clean drinking water.