
How BUILD Seeks To Develop Micro Women-Owned Businesses

How BUILD Seeks To Develop Micro Women-Owned Businesses. BUILD is a social enterprise geared at helping small (micro) women-owned businesses grow sustainably. At the heart of every social enterprise is the need to solve a social or environmental issue. For BUILD this is unemployment in South Africa. BUILD wants to tap into the forgotten informal sector, the sector that actually holds a solution to unemployment in South Africa. This sector provides crucial wages to the poorest segments of society.

According to StatsSA the informal sector makes up 20% of total employment in the country and contributes about 5.1% of the country’s GDP. The company wants to access this sector and provide them with the skills and support they need to help them become sustainable. This would be the vehicle for job creation in South Africa, and BUILD wants to be a part of that solution.

BUILD is an entity that is focused on the development of micro women-owned business. It offers Business Accelerator Programmes to female founders and business owners. The programme includes business strategy consults, design assistance and access to workshops. These programmes are sponsored by corporates who wish to gain spend recognition for ESD and CSR in terms of the BEE Codes of Good Practice. BUILD is focused on the informal sector. It creates entrepreneurship programmes to help women-owned businesses adopt techniques and technology that will aid in the growth and success of their businesses.

BUILD creates thematic Enterprise and Supplier Development Programmes and Corporate Social Responsibility Programmes to ensure your entity’s compliance with the BEE Codes of Good Practice. Its Business Accelerators can be customised to the needs of your company. It includes business consults, design assistance and workshops to help micro businesses better understand their businesses and basic business foundations.

By Thomas Chiothamisi
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