
Rhiza Babuyile Seeks To Develop Disadvantaged Communities

Rhiza Babuyile Seeks To Develop Disadvantaged Communities. Rhiza Babuyile is a non-profit organisation that focuses on developing historically disadvantaged communities through a holistic approach which includes: health care, education, early childhood development, and entrepreneurship. The aim is to eradicate extreme poverty, close the gap of inequality and uplift communities.

Rhiza Babuyile believes in developing its communities and reintegrating individuals into society. The organization is built on a ready-to-serve principle, building skilled and sustainable communities on generous spirit and future opportunities.

In 2016 it solidified its presence in Diepsloot and Orange Farm, in Johannesburg, Thabong in Welkom and Fisantekraal in Cape Town. Today, its focus centres on 5 skills and community programmes, uplifting people and providing the right tools, nurture and skillset to repair young, depreciated lives as a means to sustain their deserving futures.

It is its privilege to offer its donors and beneficiaries an exchange of opportunities – opportunities of hope and impact. While township EDC centers, affordable health clinics and skills development in IT, Fashion and Design, and Agriculture form part of the organization’s Roots of Return Programmes, it is the communities and the people that cultivate hope, that take lead in the impact it delivers.

Rhiza Babuyile’s community development approach is one where it steps and surveys the entire community. It appreciates the potential, talents and assets within local communities, and are ever mindful of the interrelated nature of social and economic challenges. As such, its programmes are multi-dimensional, addressing healthcare, skills development, enterprise development and education.

The organization believes in the cyclical nature of community development, where results are planted back into the community for everyone’s benefit. Its investment to develop entrepreneurs and young people produces highly competent, passionate and driven social actors. These individuals then reinvest their resources – finances, time and talents – to build their communities on firmer economic and social pillars.

Rhiza Babuyile is a beacon of hope for many members of the communities in which it is stationed, and it is critical that it continues to carry out its mission. The organization wants to make sure that the individual has the skills and resources they need to achieve self-sufficiency and economic independence.

By Thomas Chiothamisi
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