
SA StartUp Hikeobics Seeks To Educate More People About Hiking Benefits

SA StartUp Hikeobics Seeks To Educate More People About Hiking Benefits. Hikeobics is a brand that promotes an active hiking lifestyle from Newcastle in the Northern KZN. Hikeobics was established in 2019 with the hope to educate more people about hiking and its holistic benefits.

The founder is also a professional Physiotherapist that believes that treatment should go beyond the consultation room. Her treatment motto is, “Injury, recovery, function and a healthy lifestyle. The hikers are a mixture of patients she has treated before, members of the public from different areas of the country and well anybody that wants to experience the experience. Hikeobics incorporates hiking activities, active fun apparel wear, camping, trail running, adventure as well as luxury hiking experiences and more.

Hikeobics’s vision is to tackle one mountain at a time more so within the Northern KZN and beyond. The company searches for mountains to hike on, some with old trails some it redesigns trails itself. The company wants to have more Hikeobicers contributing to the physical body movement and functioning for a better healthy lifestyle. Its luxury hikes involve activities that incorporate all the things its clients enjoy in one day where it “kill two birds with one stone”.

The startup offers guided hiking experiences in different selected hiking farms or locations. It loves comfort and style which is what its active wear ranges have to offer. Hikeobics offers natural, cultural and historical hikes. It also offers added activities such as horse riding and indigenous games. It offers multi day hiking experiences and it also curated children’s hiking experiences. The company offers hiking experiences for corporate, year-end functions, small intimate groups.

By Thomas Chiothamisi
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