Health Start-Up Vitls Aims To Highlight The Importance Of Continuous Vital Sign Monitoring In Hospitals

Health Start-Up Vitls Aims To Highlight The Importance Of Continuous Vital Sign Monitoring In Hospitals. Vitls was created because the founders believed continuous vital sign monitoring should be the standard of care in hospitals. The company believes that patients should have peace of mind that if any of their physiological parameters change, their care providers will be notified immediately.

Nurses and physicians should receive continuous, accurate, and reliable data from its medical wearable device that allows them to provide their patients with the best possible care, Vitls aims to provide that change. Vitls CEO and serial entrepreneur, Werner Vorster, suffered through countless nights at his son’s bedside monitoring his fever in hopes of preventing another febrile seizure. He believed there must be a way to continuously and remotely monitor vital signs rather than having to manually check his son’s vitals all hours of the night. His desire to create a better life for his son sparked a revolutionary idea… and Vitls was born.
The company’s revolutionary vital signs monitor can dramatically improve detection of deterioration, shorten hospital stays, decrease treatment costs, and increase patient satisfaction scores by enabling care providers to continuously monitor various vital signs like body temperature, pulse rate, etc. It’s time to say goodbye to intermittent check-ins and hello to reliable patient care around the clock. It’s clients can convert real-time patient vital sign data into actionable intel by combining its Vitls wearable medical device with their EHR system or the Vitls dashboard (available on any connected device). The Vitls dashboard gives clients access to several powerful features such as the: live dashboard, instant notifications, patient data trends, and the ability to add notes.
The company is also the only pediatric solution for continuous, and remote pediatric vital sign monitoring using a single, unobtrusive device. It believes that children deserve unbeatable care around the clock – not just during intermittent check-ins.