
SV Capital Shares 5 Investment Hacks For Young Investors

SV Capital Shares 5 Investment Hacks For Young Investors. In celebration of Youth Month, SV Capital celebrates the potential, resilience, and aspirations of South African youth, with 5 Investments Hacks for Young Investors, supporting the youth in their role as drivers of change and progress in society. “The need for financial literacy around early investment is more crucial than ever before,” says Kagiso Tloubatla, Co-founder of SV Capital. “Private sector companies and educational institutions would do well to collaborate on the guidance of financial habits via school curriculums and public awareness campaigns, empowering our youth to control their personal finances, for a winning future.”

1. Don’t wait for tomorrow: Just don’t. Timing is everything, and a powerful ally when it comes to investing. The earlier you start investing, the more time your money has, to grow through the power of compound interest. Planting investment seeds today will grow into trees tomorrow; investing early allows you to plant the seeds of financial success. For South African youth, starting to invest now can lead to significant wealth accumulation over the long term, while delaying investment can result in missed opportunities and financial insecurity in later years.

2. Do not invest in anything you do not understand: empower yourself with the know-how, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Your investments need to make rands … and sense. Consistent self-education is a great way to keep ahead. Seek out financial education resources, online courses, and workshops online, or in person. Sign up for finance mentorship or financial forums, chat groups, and talks – all of which will keep your pocket on the pulse and in the know.

3. Start small: begin with whatever amount you can afford; even small investments can grow over time.

4. Leverage technology: leveraging digital platforms and mobile technology can significantly enhance the accessibility of investment opportunities. With the majority of South African youth owning smartphones, mobile-based investment applications can provide a user-friendly and convenient way to start investing.

5. Look for the alternative: swap out traditional investments for a more exciting, relatable portfolio. For example, delivery bike investments by SV Capital provide an accessible entry point for youth to own a fleet of bikes and participate in the growing delivery economy.

By Thomas Chiothamisi
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