Top 5 Venture Capitalists In South Africa

Top 5 Venture Capitalists In South Africa. Venture capitalists (VCs) provide funding to early-stage, high-potential startup companies in exchange for equity, or ownership stakes. Overall, venture capitalists play a crucial role in nurturing innovation and supporting the growth of new businesses. Here are some of the top venture capitalists in South Africa known for their significant contributions to the startup ecosystem.
Michael Jordaan

Founder of Montegray Capital, former CEO of FNB, and a well-known investor in tech startups. Montegray Capital invests in businesses with high growth potential. The company provides growth capital, strategic advice and access to networks. Its businesses are making waves both in existing well-established industries as well as solving problems in completely new ways.
Vinny Lingham

He is an active investor and co-founder of South African Venture Capital leader Newtown Partners and has led early stage investments into successful startups, including SweepSouth. Vinny was a Shark on Shark Tank South Africa, a Dragon on Dragon’s Den South Africa, and an Angel in National Geographic’s Undercover Angel. He is a co-author of “I’m In: Essential Advice for Entrepreneurs.”
Vusi Thembekwayo

He is a prominent venture capitalist in South Africa. He is the founder and CEO of MyGrowthFund Venture Partners, which invests in high-growth businesses across various sectors. Vusi is well-known for his entrepreneurial insights, public speaking, and contributions to the development of the African startup ecosystem.
Clive Butkow

He is the Managing Partner of Conducive Capital, a digital technology software fund based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Conducive Capital invests growth capital in innovative technology startups with great unit economics, product market fit, subscription SAAS revenue, a well established and experienced team. Butkow is also involved in mentoring a number of founders to help them scale their businesses locally and globally.
Keet van Zyl

Co-founder and partner at Knife Capital, a growth equity investment firm. Knife Capital is an independent growth equity investment firm focusing on innovation-driven ventures with proven traction. By leveraging knowledge, networks & funding, the company accelerates the international expansion of entrepreneurial businesses that achieved a product/market fit in a beachhead market. Knife Capital is the incarnation of the SA venture capital division of ‘Here Be Dragons’ – a privately owned emerging market investment group founded by internet entrepreneur and cosmonaut Mark Shuttleworth.