Innovator Trust Announces Free Financial Literacy And Entrepreneurship Training For SA Youth

Innovator Trust Announces Free Financial Literacy And Entrepreneurship Training For SA Youth. Recognising the skills gap and the need for a healthier money culture among youth in South Africa, the Innovator Trust has announced the launch of the 2023 FIN1k Youth Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship training programme.

This is the second edition of the FIN1k programme which was first started back in 2021 by the Innovator Trust to provide youth with the opportunity to empower themselves through financial education. Set to commence with training sessions from 27th February – 24th March 2023, the programme is earmarked for young South Africans between the ages of 18 to 35, this time with to train over 1 250 youth nationwide within the 1-month period.
This year’s FIN1k campaign launched online on 13th February 2023, with interested youth able to register through the Innovator Trust’s website and social media channels. In addition to financial literacy, the FIN1k programme will also focus on providing entrepreneurship skills to participants providing a foundation for youth wanting to start or formalise their side hustle into a structured small business. “We need to ensure that the youth of South Africa are adequately equipped to become active citizens, making a positive contribution to the economy. The FIN1k programme seeks to do its bit in empowering youth through financial literacy and entrepreneurship skills in order to inspire as many young people as possible, to take ownership of their future with confidence,” said Tashline Jooste, Chief Executive Officer of the Innovator Trust.
The first edition of the FIN1k programme achieved significant success, attracting more than the 1000 youth target and was well received among South African youth particularly for its innovative approach utilising tech-communication platforms Whatsapp, Zoom and Instagram Live to deliver its training largely through a smartphone device. Breaking down barriers even further, the programme provides registered participants with data, making it widely accessible and cost-effective for youth from all backgrounds to participate. The training will focus on topics such as Entrepreneurship, Personal Finance, The Online Process of Starting a Business, Cyber Protection, Financial Rights and Responsibilities, Planning and Protecting your Business, Good and Bad Credit and Savings, unpacking all a young entrepreneur needs to know to start and stay in the business game.
The Innovator Trust is an incubation training facilitator for South African SMMEs in the tech entrepreneurship sector. The youth market is a priority sector for the organization, whose core mandate is to upskill and nurture the growth of sustainable, black-owned ICT SMMEs. They currently administer two other youth programmes across the country, namely the Young Entrepreneurship Programme (YEP) targeted at unemployed, matriculated youth and a Start-Up programme, primarily for tech-based start-up businesses operating for 2 years or less.