Strategic Alliance Formed Between The German Osmium Institute And The Gauteng Refinery In South Africa

Strategic Alliance Formed Between The German Osmium Institute And The Gauteng Refinery In South Africa. An official partnerhsip was formed between Ingo Wolf, director of the “Osmium-Institut für Inverkehrbringung und Zertifizierung von Osmium GmbH”, and the Gauteng Refinery in Johannesburg, South Africa. It was agreed upon that the German Osmium Institute would be supplied by the Gauteng Precious Metals Refinery with high quality raw osmium for the duration of the partnership.

Of central importance to the production of the most valuable precious metal in its crystalline form is to use osmium of the highest purity. Very few producers in the world can procure the desired quantities of osmium, and fewer still possess the technical means and expertise required to refine the metal properly. Despite large stocks of osmium on reserve, the German Osmium Institute prefers to plan ahead for the future. This is because the rarest non-radioactive metal can only be traded on a limited market.
“I was very pleased to receive a secure means of expanding our stocks of crude osmium, thanks to Gauteng Refinery. The first order was placed just a few days after the meeting. This secures many hundreds of kilograms of stock for one of the most interesting markets of our time.” – Ingo Wolf, Director of the German Osmium Institute. Crystalline osmium is predicted by Gauteng Refinery to have a bright future in the precious metals market due to its unique crystalline structure and uncounterfeitability.
The “Osmium-Institut zur Inverkehrbringung und Zertifizierung für Osmium” serves the purpose of ensuring uniform handling in trade and processing of crystalline osmium as a jewellery metal and material plant. The institutes operate a state-of-the-art department for material analysis based on laser-induced plasma spectroscopy. All tasks are carried out by teams of experts who inform traders, train processors, carry out analyses and are available as contact persons. For the private trade, the Osmium Institute provides experts who confirm the authenticity of osmium and verify codes.