How CreditAIs Seeks To Create An Inclusive Financial System

How CreditAIs Seeks To Create An Inclusive Financial System. CreditAIs provides access to credit for small businesses through the use of machine learning applied to alternative data.
Creditais is passionate about financial inclusion. The team has created a solution that used behavioral data and machine learning to credit score micro-businesses and individuals who are often classified as “thin-file”. The solution is deployed in the form of an API as well as a mobile app that clients integrate in order to start collecting behavioral data.
In time the CreditAis team has realised that developing a single point of data management for the credit application – where both first-time borrowers (thin-file) and others may be collated into the scoring process, would be a more attractive value proposition for existing lenders. As a result, the CreditAIs team has built a white label application that takes aspirant borrowers from discovery to the scoring function in an easy and streamlined manner.
The company provides credit scoring and access to credit through its API & mobile App with instant results. This will allow its users to expand their credit universe without increasing defaults, reduce non-performing loans and Improve profitability/bottom line.
CreditAIs was co-founded by Sabelo Sibanda, who has been a tech entrepreneur for the last 9 years and he is passionate about using technology to solve big problems. Sibanda also founded MLX Ventures, which is a machine learning venture builder that provides generative AI solutions to enterprises. The company’s solutions are delivered through a SAAS model to improve client engagement and organizational efficiency.