Orchid Aesthetic Clinic, Polokwane’s First Female and Black-Owned Aesthetic Clinic Is Here

A married mother of two boys running a household while also holding down a demanding job as a doctor never thought that she would have any energy let alone time to establish and run an aesthetic clinic. Dr Ellen Moila was working full time as a doctor up until she discovered that a lot of Polokwane women and men seeking aesthetic and anti-aging treatments had to deal with the long commute to Gauteng for these treatments. This led to intensive research into the aesthetic industry, subsequently a Diploma in Aesthetic Medical with the college of American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine. A qualification that equipped her with the necessary knowledge coupled with many years as a doctor to open the first female and black-owned aesthetic clinic in Polokwane.
I have always been very passionate about looking good, feeling good, and portraying overall confidence. One of the reasons why Orchid Aesthetic Clinic (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pdUgr0WJys&feature=youtu.be) was established, furthermore survived the COVID19 pandemic. It’s a rewarding feeling making individuals look good and feel good about themselves – Dr Ellen Moila.
Dr Ellen Moila while busy with her research before establishing Orchid Aesthetic Clinic noticed that the Limpopo aesthetic market was already spending a lot of money on traveling than the treatments which led to poor compliance to treatments.
The standard of living is already too high, financially maintaining a household is already a challenge that leaves little to no money for other personal things. So, the Limpopo aesthetic market sacrificed the little money left for these treatments, adding traveling costs to access these treatments was not going to be sustainable in the long run. I knew it was time to step in and save them money and time, offer them the convenience they so need – Dr Ellen Moila.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching effects on aesthetic clinics around the world, however, as Orchid Aesthetic Clinic was one of the very first aesthetic clinics in the Limpopo province and with the first few years spent on educating its clients, the effects didn’t force them to close doors. This clever strategy meant that their existing clients were eager to engage them remotely, learning more about other services available.
When the pandemic hit, as a clinic mainly depending on onsite bookings, we panicked, and I am sure everyone did. In that state of panic, the first few years of the business came to mind. We started just educating would-be customers about the treatments available. We intensified the educating during the pandemic, learned a lot about what people expect from an aesthetic clinic versus what is available. For instance, other African customers thought the anti-aging treatments like non-surgical facelifts and dermal fillers are western treatments and now we see more and more becoming familiar with the treatments. It was an empowering process, something we needed while dealing with the pandemic. We also realised the need for an online store, which we eventually launched – Dr. Ellen Moila.
Limpopo’s aesthetics industry is growing, and we have seen a significant change in the types of procedures available in the province, Orchid Aesthetic Clinic is proud to be one of the best in Limpopo.