Omnia Nutriology Is A Company That Hopes To Bring Growth In The Agriculture Industry. Omnia Nutriology produces granular, liquid and speciality fertilizers for a broad customer base of farmers, co-operatives and wholesalers. Growth is the core of everything the company does. Therefore it developed Nutriology, the science of growing. It forms trusted relationships with its clients through its involvement on the farm, supported by its understanding of the clients’ needs; its comprehensive knowledge of soil and crop production; the company’s commitment to research and development to manage risk on the farm and its wealth of knowledge to which clients have unlimited access. Its holistic approach to agriculture – the company started off with groundbreaking work in the fertilizer industry, which now extends to agricultural solutions as a whole.
It goes beyond crop nutrition involving the application of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K), to analysing exactly which elements are needed to optimise yields for its clients, while minimising their risk. Certain elements (micro and macro) play a fundamental role in preventing disease, increasing crop size and quality, optimising water use efficiency and preventing reduced yields due to deficiency symptoms, to name a few. By effectively sampling, analysing and adjusting these elements to their optimal levels, its clients can be assured that their crops have the best chance of reaching their full potential. These services assist the farmer to manage their farming risk.
The Omnia business model, which leverages its intellectual capital and technology, differentiates it from typical commodity trading companies. By applying this intellectual and technological capacity, the company creates value by developing differentiated products and services relevant to the specific and evolving needs of its clients. To grow the business, it continues to increase the value it offers its local and international clients through innovative product development, ongoing product enhancement and its dedication to providing exceptional service, backed by the specialised knowledge of its people.
In South Africa, the company has production facilities in Rustenburg, Hectorspruit, Dryden, Wesselsbron, Daniëlsrus, Brackenfell, Cato Ridge and Sasolburg as well as eight liquid fertilizer plants nationally. The nitric acid plant is situated in Sasolburg and includes an ammonium nitrate/calcium nitrate plant, two nitric acid/ammonium nitrate plants, a porous ammonium nitrate plant (PGAN), granulation plants and a nitrophos plant, to name a few.
Internationally, it has two blenders in Africa, one in Beira (Mozambique) and the other in Banket (Zimbabwe). It also has a humate plant in Australia, which supplies clients with the Australian Humate range.