SA Entrepreneur Tim Hogins Explains How He Created The Most Secure E-commerce Platform Using Blockchain Technology

SA Entrepreneur Tim Hogins Explains How He Created The Most Secure E-commerce Platform Using Blockchain Technology. Entrepreneurs all over the world are taking advantage of the benefits of technology. They have used it to innovate and make better products that they can sell to the public. In an interview with SABC News, South African entrepreneur Tim Hogins explained how he created the most secure e-commerce platform using Blockchain technology.

He said, “Blaqmarket is the world’s most secure e-commerce platform, because it is the only of its kind that runs on Blockchain, the Blockchain dictates how transactions happens, so how it would usually works is somebody would select the product that they would like, pay the money and it goes on to Blockchain until the product is delivered, this way the buyer and seller are protected. The only e-commerce platforms out there cater for more affluent traders or formal traders but Blaqmarket addresses the issues that we face in our townships, where we have got these brilliant entrepreneurs but their products never reach outside their vicinity. Blaqmarket allows them to compete at the world stage, as we want to cover South Africa, Africa, and the whole world.”
With this Start-Up, Hogins seeks to provide a platform where black entrepreneurs can sell and buy products. Even though the marketplace caters for everyone, Hogins seeks to encourage black entrepreneurs to join as he believes that they never had access to such. Through this platform Hogins will look to expand the entrepreneurs’ reach and help them maximise their chance of gaining more customers.
Most businesses in townships are limited to customers of the township it is situated in, most of the time entrepreneurs in the townships do not have the resources or capital to be able to advertise their business so that it can reach people outside its region, through Blockchain technology and Blaqmarket, these businesses can now reach more people while transacting safely.