Digital Start-Up PulaTek Seeks To Provide Its Clients With Innovation Driven Solutions

Digital Start-Up PulaTek Seeks To Provide Its Clients With Innovation Driven Solutions. PulaTek is an innovation driven solutions company that seeks to harness opportunities within the digital age and assist companies in doing the same. It aims to see a connected world, and it’s work is to build infrastructure for connectivity, connect people, companies and industries through cloud services, software development and IOT services.

The company aims to share connectivity by means of e-commerce solutions, data management and marketing services and lastly to protect it all through cyber security for clients. This company offers end to end solutions for digitisation and optimising the potential of any business through technology. PulaTek is 100% black, female and youth owned and has interests in projects that are in different parts of the technology value chain. The company is here to serve clients, individuals and assist governments in participating in the 4IR with simplicity. The company offers building networks such as Fibre Optic services, Fiber optic cable, ISP broadband services, Networking & servers, Internet and connectivity and office equipment; connecting through the cloud & digitisation: Server solutions, VOIP, asset monitoring, domain &web hosing, remote working solutions, e-commerce and digital presence solutions.
PulaTek was founded by Kemoneiloe Phatoli who is an entrepreneur, innovation advocate and a youth development activist based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Her leadership focuses on sustainable and inclusive economic development on the African continent. Kemoneiloe holds a certificate in entrepreneurship from the University of Johannesburg, certifications in data science through IBM and is completing her Bachelor in Consumer Science degree from the University of South Africa (UNISA).
She sits on the advisory board of the National Youth ICT Council, an entity that is focused on driving skills development for youth in the ICT sector and unlocking opportunities for young people in the digital ecosystem. She is also the Curator of the World Economic Forum Global Shapers Soweto Hub, which is focused on sustainable community development through impacting the lives of young people. Her aim is to drive entrepreneurship and innovation as the core of the continent’s development, through the adequate training and support of young people.