How Oxyon Human Capital Solutions Is Putting The Needs Of Its Clients’ First. Oxyon Human Capital Solutions is a staffing and recruiting company that seeks to change lives and empower businesses. As a 24 Year Old business the company has identified that it needs to offer tailored made staffing solutions to its clients, and it understands that every client is different and their needs may alter on a daily basis and it is with that in mind that it enters into every discussion with potential clients with no preconceived ideas on what their needs are and it engage with them to get as much information as it possibly can in order to present the best overall solution for the best value for money. In Early 2017 Oxyon joined the Workforce Staffing, a division of the Workforce Group. This Merger sees the company joining one of the top Staffing Businesses in the country ensuring a new level of service delivery through technology and new processes as well as providing them with the financial muscle that a JSE listed company provides. This Merger provides Oxyon with even more diverse service offerings to its clients including but not limited to Healthcare, Employee Benefits, Training and Process Outsourcing, whereby it is able to make informed introductions of these business to its client base.
The Diversified Staffing Services that it offers include, but is not limited to Headhunting and Recruitment on a Contingent, Retained Basis or Contained Basis for Mid to Senior Management Roles; Recruitment of Blue Collar and Junior Management Employees; Temporary Employment Services, offered to clients who have a defined need for staff based on Production Volumes, Fixed Time Period or as a Trial Period before Permanent Employment; Contractor Management/ Contingent Staffing is often required by its Clients when they have a need to fill a middle to senior role for a defined period relating to a Time Frame or a Project. White Collar Contracts are designed around the clients’ needs for employees that earn over the prescribed earnings threshold. Some of the company’s clients see a benefit in its Project Recruitment Services where they have bulk recruitment requirements or have a defined recruitment plan spaced over a fixed time frame, this is a fixed cost, effective model that is tailor made for every client.
The company can also offer its clients a full recruitment process outsourcing function when they have bulk recruitment requirements or need assistance with ad response and handling. By offering an array of services the company is able to investigate and understand its clients’ requirements, business intricacies and imperatives as well as the actual operations which will ensure that the true benefit and value of diversified staffing will become apparent once its clients utilise more than one of its services.