Natasha Thahane Endorses Local Hair Care Brand Called Keitu Hair Care

Natasha Thahane Endorses Local Hair Care Brand Called Keitu Hair Care. South African actress Natasha Thahane, popularly known for her role as Enhle on the SABC1’s Skeem Saam took to Instagram to give a shout out to hair care brand Keitu Hair Care, she also thanked fellow actress Pasie Koetle who plays Dintle on ETV’s Scandal for recommending the brand. The post read, “Thank you @pasie_koetle for putting me on. Hair products @keituhaircare.”
All Keitu Hair Care products are manufactured and formulated in South Africa. The company’s products are distributed by Keitu Hair Care (Pty) Ltd. It is the sole distributors of its products with a couple of salon distributors in South Africa. The company’s ladies hair range is formulated to repair the hair strand, cover up patches, restore the hairline, stimulate hair growth as well as manage and maintain healthy hair. Children have sensitive and fragile skin and the particularly fine skin of children does not fulfil its function as a barrier as effectively as that of a lady; the natural ingredients and oils in my children’s hair range will allow parents to care for their children’s hair and scalp.
Keitu Hair Care is often asked if its hair care products are suitable for chemically treated hair. Although it specialises and encourages afro textured (Natural hair), people of all hair types are welcome to try its hair care products. Its hair care products are designed for hair growth and to help seal and retain moisture in their hair. That is the main objective and can be beneficial no matter the hair type or pattern.
“I had no idea how many people suffered from hair loss until the calls started coming in! I took the next step and registered my company in 2015: Keitu Hair Care (Pty) Ltd. I studied Travel&Tourism and Graduated in 2013 cum laude, and awarded a bursary to study Project Management in 2014. I was looking forward to working for a Cruise ship company after graduation. During my first year of studying I wore hair extensions all year around until I lost my hairline!” said Keitumetse Mokwana, the founder of Keitu Hair Care on the company’s website.
“I started making my own products. People at varsity, family and friends started asking me why my hair is growing so fast, some actually thought my hair was a very long expensive weave! My hairline recovered fully in two weeks and my hair grew from very short hair to lower bra length; I had a massive healthy bun! In my second year; varsity students and random people would stop me and ask for my contact details and if I may share some hair tips and assists them in growing healthy hair.” Mokwana added.