Law Start-Up Legal Serve Is Committed To Developing And Delivering Legal Technology That Supports Its Clients

Law Start-Up Legal Serve Is Committed To Developing And Delivering Legal Technology That Supports Its Clients. Legal Serve is an innovative software platform designed by legal professionals for the legal profession, and has been specifically developed to address the needs of modern South Africa and the modern world.

The company believes that the time has arrived to stop legal professionals from losing out on the benefits of utilising technology within their daily business environment. This will enable the legal profession to receive the rewards that technology can bring to the bottom line. As an Alternative Legal Service Provider (ALSP), one of its core business principles is to help its clients stop the cross subsidisation of their disbursements with their professional fee.
Firstly, Legal Serve is supplied free of charge to its clients. Secondly, the company does not charge a user or firm license fee, and thirdly throw sourcing suppliers, like correspondents or partnering with a 3rd party, to supply legal services that are cost-efficient and provides a cost-certain solutions, that results in the effective reduction of their disbursements. It is for this reason that Legal Serve is committed to developing and delivering legal technology that supports its clients stakeholders electronic communication strategies, in being the leading service provider of electronic B2B, B2C and C2B communication solutions, that promotes access to affordable legal services, enhances client collaboration, productivity, efficiency and increases profitability. This combination is crucial for a legal professionals ability to defend and uphold the rule of law, while delivering world class legal services more efficiently, effectively and to a wider client base.
The primary drive behind Legal Serve is to be an enabler of access to justice. Through digitising legal processes that result in the reduction of 3rd party disbursements. While increasing its client’s staff’s productivity and efficiency that results in an overall increase in profitability for their company.
Legal Serve has been delivering and processing of digital – postal services (i.e. registered mail, domestic mail), issuing summons, filing pleadings, obtaining court dates, delivering to a sheriff, and delivering statements, certificates, contracts, evictions, proof of payments, etc. digitally to the municipalities (government), banking, insurance, litigation, property management, insolvency, business rescue and debt review and debt collection vertical industries throughout South Africa.