
SA Fashion Designer Lara Klawikowski Explains Why She Uses Recycled Materials To Make Her Clothes

SA Fashion Designer Lara Klawikowski Explains Why She Uses Recycled Materials To Make Her Clothes. In an interview with The Insider SA, fashion designer and entrepreneur Lara Klawikowski explained why she uses up-cycled and recycled materials to make her clothes.

She said, “Over the years I’ve used up-cycled and recycled materials and created my own unique fabrics, I’ve used recycled plastics made from recycled materials and fabric off cuts and pleated and stitched the materials together so that they are unique and special even more special than something you’d find at a traditional fabric store. Most of my business is creating unconventional wedding dresses and I found that using things like plastic bags is ideal, so using these in my pallets and materials for clothing was a more sustainable approach.”

Being an entrepreneur means that one has to come up with innovative and fresh ideas that will be unique in the market as this will give them an edge over their competition. Taking recycled materials and using them to create beautiful clothing shows that Klawikowski is a fashion designer that seeks to push the boundaries and introduce a new style in the market, when it is marketed properly she will have a unique brand that most people would be keen to support as she is also helping with the sustainability of the environment.

Klawikowski aims to reduce the pollution that can happen if the waste materials are not used in another form. By designing clothes with these materials, Klawikowski is contributing in the fight for a cleaner and healthier environment. Her fashion company will not only be known for providing unique beautiful garments but it will also be praised for its social impact through using recycled materials.

With such innovative ideas being realised by designers, it can only mean that the future of the industry is safe as more ideas are bound to come up and it also means designers do not have to box themselves but should be free to experiment with their design ideas.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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