
Founder Of Green Terrace Farm Mbali Nwoko Shares How Technology Has Assisted Her In Creating A Sustainable Farm

Founder Of Green Terrace Farm Mbali Nwoko Shares How Technology Has Assisted Her In Creating A Sustainable Farm. The Agriculture Industry can pose a lot of problems to farmers who are beginners, these challenges need farmers to come up with innovative ideas that will solve the problems. In an interview with Living Land 12, founder of Green Terrace Farm, Mbali Nwoko shared how technology assisted her to create a sustainable farm.

She said, “So the infrastructure, we are standing under green house tunnels specifically greenhouse multi span tunnels, so when we say multi span, as you can see there are a lot of bays and they are not separate, it is one hectare under protection or undercover. So this is the option I decide to go with because on my previous farm, I was farming on an open field and I had so many difficulties and challenges regarding pests, diseases, fungus, climate change and hail that kill our crops and then you must start all over. When I bought this farm I told myself that I wanted a space where my crops are protected and undercover, come rain or sunshine we will continue farming and harvesting and business continues as usual.”

Nwoko shows how important technology is to the agricultural industry, it is helping farmers to overcome the challenges that they face and it helps them maintain and make sure that their farm is sustainable. Through technology, her farm is protected and she will be able to produce the yield that she was expecting and thus the farm will keep on growing.

It is important that farmers invest in technology that they think is going to assist them when venturing into the industry. This way they can counter the challenges that most farmers complain about, they will already be ahead of their competition and therefore this will make the chances of the farm being successful very high.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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