
Founder Of Relevance For Men Tshepo Mashego Reflects On The Start-Up Becoming A Mutli-Racial Brand

Founder Of Relevance For Men Tshepo Mashego Reflects On The Start-Up Becoming A Mutli-Racial Brand. South African entrepreneur and founder of Relevance For Men Tshepo Mashego took to Twitter to reflect on his startup becoming a multiracial brand. He said the brand is being supported by all races in South Africa, which is something he is very proud of.

The post read, “One thing I’m currently enjoying experiencing is that we are starting to service all races in large numbers, we are becoming a multiracial brand, all races are starting to consume our products. Grace” In a country where there is a lot of racial divides and racial tensions, Mashego’s brand has been able to attract all races that exist in South Africa as they see the quality of the product and not the skin colour of the person who made it.

It is essential for a company to cater to different races as South Africa is a very diverse country as it has multiple races and cultures. Mashego’s designs and products are not designed to cater to a specific race but they create something that will look good on anyone from any race. By catering to all races, Mashego is indicating how far the business has grown since its establishment, it has managed to become a formidable brand in the industry and has received so much exposure, which has helped them to define the narrative of the brand.

The narrative Mashego and the brand seek to go for is inclusion, the brand does not discriminate, this is shown by how proud Mashego is of his brand being able to attract customers from all walks of life. This shows that if one works hard and perfects their craft, people are going to support it as it brings value regardless of the colour of the skin of a person.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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