How Adinah Capital Partners Aims To Use Its Investment Model As A Catalyst In Growing Businesses

How Adinah Capital Partners Aims To Use Its Investment Model As A Catalyst In Growing Businesses. Adinah is a niche private equity investment house founded in 2013, focused on investing in owner managed businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The company looks to partner with entrepreneurs for innovation and growth through a consistent and tested investment process. The team is able to bring in its unique blend of experience in private equity, venture capital and executive management to achieve attractive risk adjusted returns for its investors over the medium to long-term. Adinah invests in established businesses, start-up ventures and any tactical opportunities that meet Adinah’s investment strategy. This enables Adinah to leverage off multiple sectors and varying growth stages, which ensures Adinah has the flexibility to move ahead of the ever changing market. Adinah strives to create sustainable value by uplifting not only its investors but also the companies it invests in – and the communities they interact with.
Adinah sources third party capital with a view to making long term unlisted market investments. The private company, start-up venture and tactical opportunities funds at its disposal has enabled it to invest in companies at various stages of their growth cycles, as well as in a range of sectors and under varying market conditions. Adinah’s belief is that its investment model can be a powerful catalyst for starting, growing and improving the businesses its partnered with for all stakeholders.
The company concludes each investment with the intent of providing a business with sufficient patient capital for management teams to create new business initiatives, launch new products, enter new markets, acquire other businesses and become market leaders in their niches. In every activity it builds leaders who will shift their consciousness from driving to be the best in the world.