
E-commerce Platform BOBZA Seeks To Assist In The Transformation Of The Economic Climate Of The Country

E-commerce Platform BOBZA Seeks To Assist In The Transformation Of The Economic Climate Of The Country. BOBZA (Black-Owned Businesses ZA) is a startup that believes that it has a responsibility to assist in the transformation of the economic climate of the country. Its slogan – ‘re kaofela’ (we are all together) – aptly explains the company’s philosophy in that it wants to improve the relationship between customers and Black-Owned Businesses (BOBs).

BOBZA believes that many customers want to spend their hard-earned money on the high quality products & services BOBs provide. Their only challenge is that many BOBs are hard to find. Therefore, the company wants to become that conduit that improves BOBs’ online (and physical) visibility and accessibility to customers. In that way, this will increase BOBs’ economic market share in their various industries.

BOBZA strongly believes in the high moral role that South Africans and people of the world have in society. At the very foundation, it believes that everyone has the right to respect and the space to practice their beliefs so long as they do not harm or discriminate against others. The company prides itself in being ‘woke’ and is acutely aware of the social and institutional injustices South Africans face. The company believes that it will strengthen the relationship between customers and BOBs through the empowering user experience that it provides via its innovative and unique online directory – BOBZA Home. BOBZA’s mission is to efficiently sort and advertise Black-Owned Businesses (BOBs) that provide quality products and services that are new, unique and essential onto its online directory

BOBZA Home will be made accessible via website and eventually app. Here customers will be able to search, view and find BOBs within a home interface across its various rooms. BOBZA aims to create a safe and conducive environment for its employees within the organization and a unique and hospitable environment for anyone it interacts with outside of the organization.

By Thomas Chiothamisi
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