
Nasty C Shares His Top Lessons In Business

Nasty C Shares His Top Lessons In Business. In an interview with NINE80 MEDIA, South African rapper and businessman David Junior Ngcobo better known as Nasty C decided to reveal the top business lessons he has learnt in his journey as a musician.

The rapper said, “What lesson have I learnt? There is a lot of lessons you learn within that, but I think the most important one is to just keep my feelings out of it. A lot of times I try to do business with friends just because I want to see my friend win but that doesn’t always work out, actually a lot of times it doesn’t work out and those are the type of decisions that mess you up, that’s the biggest one for sure.”

Nasty C highlights that because of his success he would want to help his friends also become successful and he would therefore venture into business with them and through this he learnt his biggest business lesson to date. Having friends as business partners can work out but most people are not able to seperate the friendship from the business and cannot keep their emotions in check. This results to a lot of disagreements that lead to the business failing.

With this lesson learnt Nasty C has become wary of going into business with friends as he hasn’t had a successful partnership. This lesson can help a lot entrepreneurs who are venturing into business with their friends or even family. Keeping one’s emotions out of the business and doing what’s best for the business can put a lot of strain on personal relationships as some business decisions wouldn’t be favourable to friends and therefore cause a fallout of the friendship and business.

People should be cautious of the consequences of venturing into business with their friends so that they can manoeuvre in a manner that would give their business and friendship the best chance of succeeding. This means that trust and honesty should be at the forefront even at times that are not favourable.

You can check out the exclusive interview on YouTube:

By Thomas Chiothamisi
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