
OAO Investments Announces Its Partnership With The Swedish AI Fund (SAIF)

OAO Investments Announces Its Partnership With The Swedish AI Fund (SAIF). OAO Investments, an investment firm shaking the South African investment landscape, announced its partnership with the Swedish AI Fund (SAIF). The partnership will fall under their technology pillar, OAO Technology. The partnership enables OAO Technology to identify best-suited candidates for funding through an evaluation process. This includes screening all applications, ensuring all due diligence processes are done and adhered to. Funds are thereafter released to successful candidates.

The fund will see the acceleration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) initiatives in Africa. It aims to drive awareness and enlightenment about the AI industry to the public, organisations, the technology sector, policymakers and governments who will be beneficiaries of a healthy AI industry. Only AI related programmes will be considered for funding. SAIF is one of the multiple projects launched by the AICenter, a collaboration between several legal entities and experts towards a common goal: Equality, safety, and security in the AI industry. The AICenter founded in #Sweden operates in 8 countries: Sweden, #Albania, #Israel #Germany, #Georgia, #South #UnitedKingdom. It cooperates with universities, leading companies and experts from the United Nations (UN) and The European AI Alliance.

AICenter, the founder of SAIF, enables and facilitates organisations, companies, and individuals to increase their business value and opportunities. AICenter also provides organisations with funding, certifications, guidelines, and certified training programs towards equality, safety, and security in AI. In 2020 Sweden ranked number one in the Good Country Index (GCI) . The rank in the GCI motivated the AICenter to step into new terrain by facilitating funding through SAIF that aids the human race for a better future, a future with equality, safety, and security in the field of AI.

“This partnership will aid our mission as OAO Technology, to accelerate the adoption of new technologies in Africa. The collaboration will contribute to the growth and development of AI on the African continent. We are grateful and look forward to serving our communities through this partnership” says Zamokuhle Aja-Okorie, Managing Director of OAO Investments.

By Thomas Chiothamisi
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