
Hanna Capital Corp To Expand Exploration Activities In Africa

Hanna Capital Corp To Expand Exploration Activities In Africa. Hanna Capital Corp, a publicly traded company focused on base metals is pleased to announce that it plans to increase its exploration activities in Africa. The corporation will focus its attention to properties that show potential for gems, diamonds, gold, copper, cobalt, and lithium. The geological environments for these sorts of properties include paleo-alluvial, syn-sedimentary and pegmatoidal intrusives. Specific attention will be directed towards the extraction of the mineral wealth by applying fundamental geo-scientific principles.

The mineral discovery process to be embarked on by the corporation will be achieved by providing the means to simultaneously assess the geological, mining, processing and economical potential of immature mining and exploration projects. This process is further enhanced by understanding the mode of emplacement and the reconstruction of the geological history.

The skills deployed will include the coordination of legal, ESG, GIS, remote sensing, mining, process engineering, mine economics and the financing of under-developed small to medium scale mines (S to MSM). The corporation intends to initiate its strategy in December 2022, which will be closely followed by the start-up phase in Q1 of 2023. The program will be run by veteran geological teams assisted by experience African-based business developers and ESG experts. The target countries include Zambia, DRC, Namibia, South Africa, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe.

Initially, the corporation intends to achieve a presence in the Southern African region in terms of mineral development and intends to achieve a relationship between the owner and funder in the development of the mineral and mining process.

By Thomas Chiothamisi
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