
Fortress Real Estate Investments Set To List On A2X Markets

Fortress Real Estate Investments Set To List On A2X Markets. Fortress is pleased to announce that its ordinary A and B shares will be traded on A2X with effect from 16 March 2023.

Fortress will retain its listing on the JSE Limited and its issued share capital will be unaffected by the secondary listing on A2X. The JSE will continue to perform the role of primary regulator in respect of Fortress and its listing. Fortress’ ordinary A and B shares will be available to be traded on the JSE and A2X from the A2X listing date.

Fortress Real Estate Investments Limited (Fortress) specialises in the logistics and retail property sectors with an established in-house development track record. The company’s focus is on developing and in letting premium-grade logistics real estate in South Africa and Central and Eastern Europe, as well as growing its convenience and commuter-oriented retail portfolio which currently comprises 52 shopping centres, and includes properties co-owned with partners.

Steven Brown, CEO of Fortress Real Estate said in a statement: “Our listing on A2X not only provides our shareholders with the choice of an additional platform on which to transact Fortress Real Estate shares, but also the opportunity to capture savings through A2X’s lower exchange fees and narrower spreads.”

A2X is a stock exchange playing an integral part in the progression of the South African market-place. An experienced team hand-picked from across the financial services and technology industries, run the exchange. This experience, combined with cutting-edge technology, stable systems and an agile environment enable A2X to provide the market with an efficient and cost-effective trading venue to secondary list and trade shares.

By Thomas Chiothamisi
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