
How Company Wellness Solutions Aims To Improve Employees’ Mental And Physical Health

How Company Wellness Solutions Aims To Improve Employees’ Mental And Physical Health. Company Wellness Solutions is one of the fastest-growing full-stack wellness companies in South Africa. The company specializes in employee assistance programs, employee wellness days, and employee wellness programs.

Company Wellness Solutions is a turn-key corporate wellness partner, delivering ground-breaking wellness solutions tailored precisely to an organisation’s needs. With a focus on enhancing employee wellness, the company’s customised solutions extend from innovative wellness programs, to occupational health and clinic management, to holistic Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) – all designed to cultivate a flourishing workspace.

Company Wellness Solutions is not just an expert in corporate wellness, employee assistance programs, and occupational health; the company is a revolutionary in making sure its clients’ team is the best version of themselves. The company believes that its clients are not just investing in employee assistance programs or corporate wellness; but they are investing in a happier, healthier workplace.

Company Wellness Solutions offers interactive and engaging reporting with drill down capabilities, and customised recommendations. Its reporting is tailored to suit the clients desired insights. The company’s reports are fully POPI compliant ensuring the confidentiality of all member data.

Company Wellness Solutions is the most comprehensive, turn-key wellness and EAP provider in South Africa, utilising in-house registered counsellors and staff to conduct its wellness events and EAPs. Whether clients need assessments, a unique wellness event or a comprehensive EAP, Company Wellness Solutions’ dedicated staff will create a tremendous, customised Employee Wellness Program that produces tangible results.

Company Wellness Solutions was opened in 2017 and has since become a force to be reckoned within South Africa and abroad. Over the last five years it has signed up almost 200 000 members to its program, with just over 90% client retention. Its very first clients ever are still with the company, which shows its dedication to delivering consistent, quality service to its clients.

By Thomas Chiothamisi
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