Wetility Partners With A2Pay To Empower SMEs
Wetility Partners With A2Pay To Empower SMEs. South African solar energy startup Wetility took to Twitter to announce that it has partnered with A2Pay in order to empower SMEs. This partnership seeks to ease the burden of load shedding for small businesses.
The post read, “We’re thrilled to officially announce our partnership with @A2PAY ! Together, we’re empowering small businesses and SMME’s, by combining Wetility’s smart solar solutions with A2Pay’s expertise in digitization, finance, training and job creation. This partnership is about creating real-time and real-life opportunities for business growth and sustainability while increasing the economic capabilities of informal businesses. Be the first to access opportunities such as reliable and accessible energy, digitized business operations and increased competitiveness. Don’t lose profits! A cost saving solution is finally here!!”
A2pay understands the unique challenges of working on the African continent and has therefore paid special attention to ensuring that the products and systems offer a high level of functionality yet remain intuitively simple and reliable. The technology is one of the business’s major strengths in that it uses ground-breaking mobile and fixed wireless retail technology to deliver the products and services in a cost effective manner with an easy-to-access platform.
Wetility is a company that consists of a team of visionaries, entrepreneurs, engineers and financial experts who are passionate about innovative energy solutions. Wetility enables its clients to smartly generate solar power on their rooftop, then seamlessly store, release and monitor clean energy to their home or business. The company believes that it is here to harness the sun’s power with purpose, introducing its clients to a hybrid solution that works seamlessly and in tandem with their current power options.