Businesses Owned By Mark Shuttleworth

Businesses Owned By Mark Shuttleworth. Mark Richard Shuttleworth is a South African-British entrepreneur. In 2002, Shuttleworth became the first South African to travel to space as a space tourist, and indeed the first African from an independent country to travel to space. He lives on the Isle of Man and holds dual citizenship from South Africa and the United Kingdom. According to the Sunday Times Rich List in 2021, Shuttleworth is worth an estimated R9. 3 billion. Below are some of the businesses owned by Mark Shuttleworth.

Canonical Ltd.

Canonical Ltd. is a UK-based privately held computer software company founded and funded by South African entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth to market commercial support and related services for Ubuntu and related projects. Canonical employs staff in more than 30 countries and maintains offices in London, Austin, Boston, Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei, Tokyo and the Isle of Man. Canonical Ltd. has created and continues to back several projects. Principally these are free and open-source software (FOSS) or tools designed to improve collaboration between free software developers and contributors.
HBD Venture Capital

Based in Cape Town, HBD was established in 2000 by Mark Shuttleworth. Their first fund, HBD Fund1, offered seed capital to a range of start-up companies. The fund will not make any new investments but continues to offer support with a view to successfully on-selling their ventures within the next two years. HBD is a privately owned emerging market investment group. The company invests through fund managers into listed and unlisted investments. It is open to direct co-investment opportunities presented to it by its fund managers or others.
Shuttleworth Foundation

In 2001, he formed the Shuttleworth Foundation, a nonprofit organisation dedicated to social innovation which also funds educational, free, and open source software projects in South Africa, such as the Freedom Toaster. The Shuttleworth Foundation was established in January 2001 by South African entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth as an experiment with the purpose of providing funding for people engaged in social change. While there have been various iterations of the foundation, its structure and how it invests in social innovation, the current model employs a fellowship model where fellows are given funding commensurate with their experience to match a year’s salary, allowing them to spend that year developing a particular idea.