
Founder Of ‘Uthando Glow’ Thando Chisane Shares How Her Public Relations Experience Helped Her Build Her Brand

Founder Of ‘Uthando Glow’ Thando Chisane Shares How Her Public Relations Experience Helped Her Build Her Brand. In an interview on the Hustler’s Corner with DJ Sbu, founder of UThando Glow Skin Care Thando Chisane shared how her public relations experience helped her build her brand. With her type of business Chisane knew that she had to deal with a lot of people as they would be trusting her with their skin problems and she knew how to navigate through this to build and scale up her business.

She said, “I always tell people or my clients to be patient with their skins because you can’t use a product for a month and expect changes what’s important is for you to see a bit of change, it doesn’t matter how little it is.” Through her experience of dealing and working with the Durban municipality Chisane is able to communicate her product’s use and how the customers should use these products and what they should expect from it. Public Relations also made her understand that people need affordable products that will also provide value.

She continued to say, “I feel like I should make products that would be affordable and at the same time help people. I understand that there are some people who are unemployed by they have serious skin problems. I want my product to get to everyone because when I bump into someone with skin issues I don’t mind giving them a scrub and face cream because I’m not going to lose anything out it. To me it’s really my about money, it’s about changing the lives of people.”

With her being able to properly share information about her brand and building how the brand is perceived in public, she has made sure to that her products connects to her target market and therefore they have become loyal to her brand. She can use this to get partnerships with retail stores as they will be seeing the value that the products provide to people.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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