Manufacturing Start-Up African Applied Chemical Seeks To Provide Effective Lifestyle Products To Fight Malaria

Manufacturing Start-Up African Applied Chemical Seeks To Provide Effective Lifestyle Products To Fight Malaria. African Applied Chemical (Pty) Ltd is a bio-technology company that specialises in the manufacture of a proprietary slow release fibres (Bi-KoTM). These fibres are made mainly from polypropylene copolymer. The fibres are specially engineered to store a high amount of liquid within their matrix and slowly release small amounts over a long period of time.

This technology is aimed at slowly releasing high value actives in order to prolong their residual effectiveness and reduce the overall cost of their use in practical applications. The technology was developed and patented by the University of Pretoria and exclusively licensed to AAC. AAC is currently based at the Innovation Hub where it rents office and factory space. AAC’s production facilities are based at the CSIR Pretoria campus and operates under Nanomaterials Industry Development Facility (NIDF).
“I was 8 years old and suffering from a repeat bout of malaria. This was also the beginning of my journey to find a solution for so many people living with the threat of malaria and sometimes even death. Having lived through the ravages of Malaria, seeing the unnecessary suffering of my community and so many due to the disease, finding a better way became my driving force and lead to my studies and ultimately a solution that I know can simplify and cost-effectively manage the infection rates of Malaria across the continent.” Founder of AAC Mthokozisi Sibanda said on the company’s website.”
AAC utilises a combination of technology and science to provide simple lifestyle products and applications for malaria-stricken areas, that could potentially save millions of lives. AAC manufactures the proprietary insect repellent fibre and combines it with cotton / wool / polyester /polyamide to manufacture the final repellent textile based products. These innovative products are currently distributed at the Kruger National Park under Tourvest Destination Retail, Mopani pharmacies in Nelspruit, NoBuzz online shop and