How Black Female Owned Law Firm Mapongwana Attorneys Seeks To Provide Efficient Legal Services

How Black Female Owned Law Firm Mapongwana Attorneys Seeks To Provide Efficient Legal Services. Mapongwana Attorneys Inc. is a 100% black woman-owned boutique law firm, which was founded by Belinda Mapongwana in 2014. The law firm was a response to the need to provide professional, efficient and commercially sound legal services to its clients. The company specialises in all aspects of Mergers & Acquisitions (“M&A”) transactions, Corporate Commercial Law, Corporate Governance, Commercial Litigation, Compliance and Risk Management.

On the Corporate Commercial Law side, it has done work ranging from advising on and drafting shareholders agreements, MOIs, sale of members’ interests agreements, sale of assets, service level agreements, consultancy agreements, supply agreements and joint venture agreements. On the Compliance and Risk Management side, the has provided guidance on risk identification, compiling regulatory universes, drafting legal and compliance policies, compiling risk assessment plans and compliance manuals.
Mapongwana Attorneys’ clients range from high net-worth individuals, SMMEs, to established corporates and state-owned companies. Some of its clients include: Kagiso Tiso Holdings, Regiments Capital, PRASA, Connect Com, Communex Technologies, Djambeu Investments, Tirhani Capital and Friedshelf Investments. The company offers commercial advice to large and small companies wishing to merge or acquire other companies. In this regard, it advises on the negotiation and structuring, of the transactions. It also offers advice on the interpretation of the Black Economic Empowerment Codes of Good Practice (BEE Codes), which is key for the structuring of empowerment transactions.
The company offers a suite of risk management services for example, compiling regulatory universes, risk assessment plans, risk management plans, verification methods and monitoring plans. It also offers advice to the private side of banks, particularly global banks, on the identification and management of compliance, regulatory and reputational risk. A key element to these services is education and it therefore provides bespoke compliance training suitable to each client’s needs.