
PayFast Partners With Heavy Chef To Launch An Entrepreneur Development Programme

PayFast Partners With Heavy Chef To Launch An Entrepreneur Development Programme. South African fintech company PayFast has announced that it has partnered with Heavy Chef in order to launch an entrepreneur development programme. More than 42% of emerging South African entrepreneurs do not know how to set up an online shop, according to entrepreneur learning platform Heavy Chef.

“Ecommerce makes entrepreneurship accessible to more people. You don’t need to rent out a brick-and-mortar storefront or set up a market stand to start a business anymore. All you really need is access to the internet, a solid idea, and a good understanding of what customers expect from online stores. With this mentorship programme, we hope to provide the basic ingredients for success,” Byron Clarence, Business Developer Manager at PayFast said in a statement.

PayFast is a leading online payment processing solution for individuals, NPOs and businesses of all sizes in South Africa. We are dedicated to enabling the easy, secure and instant transfer of money to online merchants to help them grow, develop and succeed in the digital economy. Entrepreneurs will also have access to useful resources, including cash vouchers, equipment, data, access to co-working spaces, mental health support, and Heavy Chef guidebooks. Three cohorts of 10 entrepreneurs each, will take part in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, and Elardus Park, Pretoria, as well as via virtual classes.

By the time participants graduate in August, each team will have created their own ‘Recipe Book’ on the subject of online shops. This will be developed during weekly workshop sessions, with the help of ecommerce experts, who will share their insights and act as programme mentors.

By Thomas Chiothamisi
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