
Nedbank Announces Its Partnership With Opportunity Network

Nedbank Announces Its Partnership With Opportunity Network. South African bank Nedbank has announced that it has partnered with Opportunity Network. The partnership with Opportunity Network gives clients access to a global networking platform to help them establish overseas networks and find trading opportunities for their business.

Through this partnership clients can get exclusive access to over 44 000 international business owners, each carefully vetted by reputable banks, giving them the comfort to conclude any trading with credible buyers or suppliers. They can search for an appropriate network easily and promote their products and services to secure trading opportunities across 140 countries. The platform is easy to use, accessible on desktops and mobile devices, and can match its clients’ interest in trading opportunities based on transactional type/size, industry and geography.

Opportunity Network believes that finding the right business partners should be easy and fast. The company aims to foster economic growth by providing every reliable business leader equal access to global business opportunities. Opportunity Network is breaking down barriers to trade and investment for chief executives and investors around the world. Its secure business environment is a one-stop solution for executives and investors of vetted companies to connect with reliable counterparts for all their commercial, fundraising, investing and M&A needs.

“Our goal is to improve the way of doing business and create equal access to opportunities, especially in countries that are experiencing great economic development, like South Africa,” said Opportunity Network CEO, Brian Pallas.

By Thomas Chiothamisi
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